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PDFFigures 2.0: Mining figures from research papers



Figures and tables are key sources of information in many scholarly documents. However, current academic search engines do not make use of figures and tables when semantically parsing documents or presenting document summaries to users. To facilitate these applications we develop an algorithm that extracts figures, tables, and captions from documents called “PDFFigures 2.0.” Our proposed approach analyzes the structure of individual pages by detecting captions, graphical elements, and chunks of body text, and then locates figures and tables by reasoning about the empty regions within that text. To evaluate our work, we introduce a new dataset of computer science papers, along with ground truth labels for the locations of the figures, tables, and captions within them. Our algorithm achieves impressive results (94% precision at 90% recall) on this dataset surpassing previous state of the art. Further, we show how our framework was used to extract figures from a corpus of over one million papers, and how the resulting extractions were integrated into the user interface of a smart academic search engine, Semantic Scholar (www.semanticscholar.org). Finally, we present results of exploratory data analysis completed on the extracted figures as well as an extension of our method for the task of section title extraction. We release our dataset and code on our project webpage for enabling future research (http://pdffigures2.allenai.org).

1. Introduction

Traditional tools for organizing and presenting digital libraries only make use of the text of the documents they index. Focusing exclusively on text, however, comes at a price because in many domains much of the important content is contained within figures and tables. Especially in scholarly Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org.

JCDL '16, June 19-23, 2016 Tables and figures also have the potential to be used as powerful document summarization tools. It is common to get the gist of a paper by glancing through the figures 1 , which often contain both the main results as well as visual aids that outline the work being discussed. Being able to extract these figures and present them to a user would be an effective way to let users quickly get an overview of the paper's content. To this end, we introduce PDFFigures 2.0. PDFFigures 2.0 takes as input computer science papers in PDF format and outputs the figures, tables, and captions contained within them.

Our work builds upon the PDFFigures algorithm [5] . The approach used by [5] has high accuracy but was only tested on papers from a narrow range of sources. In this work, we improve upon that method to build a figure extractor that is suitable for use as part of academic search engines for computer science papers. To meet this goal we improve upon the accuracy of PDFFigures [5] and, more importantly, build an extractor that is effective across the entire range of content in a digital library. This requires an approach that is robust to the large number of possible formats and styles papers might use. Particular challenges include handling documents with widely differing spacing conventions, avoiding false positives while maintaining the ability to extract a broad range of possible captions, and extracting a highly varied selection of figures and tables.

Our approach follows the same general structure used in [5] (see Section 3) and employs data-driven heuristics that leverage formatting conventions used consistently in the computer science domain. Following a heuristic approach makes our method transparent and easy to modify [13] , which we have found to be important for developing an effective solution to this task.

While our focus is on extracting figures, our method also produces a rich decomposition of the document and analysis of the text. In this paper we demonstrate how this analysis can be leveraged for other extraction tasks, such as identifying section titles. Section titles are important because they reveal the overall structure of the document, and can be a crucial feature for upstream components analyzing body text. Section titles can also be used to identify which section figures were introduced in, thereby providing some additional context for interpreting extracted figures. We evaluate our section title extraction method on a dataset of over 50 papers and compare our results against prior work.

In order to evaluate PDFFigures 2.0 against a diverse set of documents, we introduce a new dataset of over 325 computer science papers along with ground truth labels for the locations of figures, tables, and captions within them. We also show how our method was used to extract figures from over one million documents and integrated into the user interface for Semantic Scholar [3] , a smart academic search engine for computer science papers. We conclude by using this dataset to study how figure usage has evolved over time, how figure usage relates to future citations, and how figure usage differs between conference venues.

2. Related Work

For a comprehensive survey of previous work in figure extraction as well as relevant open source tools, please see [5] . In this section we review some recent developments in the field as well as exciting applications of figure extraction.

A machine learning based approach to figure extraction was recently proposed in [11] . Their method classifies the graphical elements in a PDF as being part of a figure or not. Elements that were classified as being part of a figure were clustered to locate individual figures in the document. Rather then working primarily with the graphical elements in a document, our approach focuses on identifying body text and then using layout analysis to locate the figures, which allows our approach to not only extract a wide variety of figures but also generalize to extracting tables.

The possibility of being able to semantically parse figures is an exciting area of research, and the figure extraction method of [5] has already demonstrated its ability to facilitate pioneering work in this area. In [12] , researchers experimented with an approach to extracting data from line plots. Given a figure, their system uses a classifier to determine whether the figure is a line plot. If the figure is determined to be a line plot, a word recognition system is then used to locate text in the plot and classify that text as being part of an axis, a title, or a legend. Finally, heuristics based on color were used to identify curves in the plot and match them against the plot's legend. Their work used PDFFigures [5] to extract a large corpus of figures from papers published in top computer science conferences. The figures were mined to collect real world examples of line plots. Since PDFFigures can additionally extract the text contained in vector graphic based figures, these figures were also used to provide ground truth labels for the word detection system. Another recent project has similarly found that figures extracted by PDFFigures can be used to generate large amounts of text detection training data for a neural network [4] .

Researchers in [14] introduced a novel framework for parsing result figures in research papers. They used PDFFigures [5] to extract figures from computer science papers and subsequently used a classifier to determine the figure type. For line plots composed of vector graphics, heuristics were used to locate key elements of the charts, including the axis, axis labels, numeric scales, and legend. Apprenticeship learning was then used to train a model to identify the lines, and thus the data, contained within the plot. In all these cases PDFFigures provided the critical building block needed for building tools that are effective on real world figures and papers.

PDFFigures [5] has also been used as a component of PDFMEF, a knowledge extraction framework that extracts a wide variety of entities and semantic information from scholarly documents [15] . In PDFMEF, PDFFigures was used to add figures and tables to the elements PDFMEF is capable of extracting. The authors remarked that PDFFigures is notable for its accuracy and its ability to extract both figures and tables, and concluded by stating "...it [PDFFigures] is arguably one of the best open source figure/table extraction tools."

These projects suggest that the ability to extract figures from arbitrary documents is extremely valuable. With PDF-Figures 2.0, we hope to provide a higher quality, more robust tool for researchers wishing to use figures in their work.

The problem of locating section titles within documents has also received attention from researchers, and is addressed in systems such as ParsCit [6] , Grobid [8] and SectLabel [9] . All these approaches use machine learning to classify lines of text as being a section title or not. However, we have found that exploiting some natural properties of section titles, such as their use of salient fonts and their location relative to the rest of the document's text, makes heuristic approaches very effective for this task.

3. Approach Of Pdffigures [5]

Since our work builds upon PDFFigures [5] , we review the general strategy employed by [5] in this section. The approach is to focus primarily on identifying the captions and the body text of a document, since these elements are often the easiest to detect in scholarly articles. Once the captions and body text have been identified areas containing figures can be found by locating rectangular regions of the document that are adjacent to captions and do not contain body text. PDFFigures has three phases: Caption Detection, Region Identification, and Figure Assignment .

Caption Detection.

This phase of the algorithm identifies words that mark the beginning of captions within the document. Text is extracted from the document using Poppler [2] , and a keyword search is used to identify phrases that are likely to start a caption. False positives are then removed using a consistency assumption: that authors have labelled their figures in a consistent manner as is required by most academic venues.

If the first pass yields multiple phrases referring to the same figure, for example, two phrases of the form " Figure 1 ", it is assumed that all but one of those phrases is a false positive. If such false positives are detected, an attempt is made to remove them by applying a "filter" that removes all phrases that do not follow a particular formatting convention. Filters are only applied if they do not remove all phrases referring to a particular figure.

Region Identification.

Region identification decomposes document pages into regions, each one labelled as either caption, graphical element, body text, or figure text. Caption regions are built by starting from the caption phrases found in the prior step, and combining them with subsequent lines of text. The rest of the text in the document is grouped into paragraphs using Poppler's paragraph grouping mechanism. Paragraphs that are either too large or aligned to the left margin of a column are classified as body text, otherwise they are classified as figure text.

Page headers and page numbers are handled as special cases. PDFFigures checks if pages in the document are consistently headed by the same phrase, and if so marks those phrases as body text. Likewise page numbers are detected by checking if all pages end with a number, and if so marking those numbers as body text.

Finally, the graphical elements of the document are located. To do this each page is rendered as a 2D image using a customized PDF renderer that ignores text. The bounding boxes of the connected components in the resulting image are then used as graphical regions of the document. An example of such a decomposition is shown in Figure 1 . The last step is to assign each caption a region of the document containing the figure it refers to. First, up to four "proposal" regions are generated for each caption. Proposal regions are built by generating a rectangular region adjacent to each side of the caption, and then maximally expanding those regions as long as they do not overflow the page margin, overlap with body text, or overlap a caption. This is shown in Figure 2 . For two-column papers regions are constrained to not cross the center of the page unless the caption itself spans both columns.

Figure 1: A document page (left panel, from [Scholz et al., ICML 2014]) decomposed into a set of classified regions (right panel). Body text regions are shown as filled boxes, captions and figure text regions as box outlines, and graphical element regions as dashed box outlines.
Figure 2: Generating possible figure regions for a caption. For each caption (center blue box), up to four regions are generated as possible figures by maximally expanding boxes that are adjacent to one side of the caption. Page from [Cuong et al., NIPS 2013]

Next, a single proposed figure region is selected for each caption. To do this a scoring function is used to rate each proposed region based on how likely it is to contain a figure. The scoring function gives higher scores to regions that are large and contain graphical elements. To ensure captions are not assigned regions that overlap, they iterate through every possible permutation of how figure regions could be matched to captions. Each permutation is scored based on the sum of the scores of the proposed regions it includes, with regions that overlap given a score of 0. The highest scoring permutation is then selected as the final set of figure regions to return.

Figure 3: Using clustering to identify figure regions. In this page from [Inouye et al., ICML 2014] the bullet points were mistakenly misclassified as figure text (box outlines). However clustering elements around the Figure’s graphics ensures the bullets are not included in the proposed figure region (dashed line).

An additional complication comes from cases where figures are immediately adjacent, so that they are not separated by any intervening body text or captions. In these cases, proposal regions might get overly expanded and therefore contain multiple figures. To handle these cases, when iterating through permutations, if two proposal regions overlap an attempt is made to split them by detecting a central band of whitespace that separates them. An example of such a figure can be found in Figure 4 , second row right column.

Figure 4: Qualitative results. Figures that our system extracted are shown in green, captions are shown in blue, and, in the case of errors, correct extractions are marked in red. The top two rows show correct extractions, the third row shows incorrect extractions, and the last row shows figures our system failed to extract.

4. Proposed Approach

Our approach builds upon [5] by making crucial updates to its important components. Most of the updates are designed to allow PDFFigures 2.0 to generalize across a wider variety of paper formats. The PDFBox [1] library is used for parsing PDFs.

4.1 Caption Detection

We improve the keyword search of [5] that identifies phrases that might start captions to be effective against more kinds of papers by using a considerably expanded set of keywords. However, naively increasing the number of keywords also increases the number of false positives for each paper. We resolve this problem by adding a number of additional filters to the ones used in [5] , such as (I): Select phrases that are all caps. (II): Select phrases that are abbreviated. (III): Select phrases that occupy a single line. (IV): Select phrases that do not use the most commonly used font in the document. (V): Select phrases that are left aligned to the text beneath them. The last filter serves as a general purpose filter for detecting indented paragraphs or bullet points that start by mentioning a figure.

4.2 Region Identification

Our region identification method decomposes each page into caption, body text, figure text and graphical regions as done in [5] .

4.2.1 Caption Region Identification

We use a specialized procedure to identify complete captions once the starting line of that caption has been identified. To make our approach robust to the document's choice of line spacing, we compute the median space between lines in the document. Then, for each mention, we construct the caption by adding lines following the mention that are less than the document's median line space away from each other. This works well in many cases, but can fail on documents where captions have been tightly packed against the following text. To add robustness to this problem, we additionally check to make sure new lines have a similar justification to the lines accumulated so far. We also avoid adding lines of text that overlap a graphic region, or lines of text that are of a different font than the previous lines.

4.2.2 Text Classification

Text classification is the process of determining whether blocks of text on each page should be labelled as body text or figure text. Text classification is made difficult by the wide variety of ways text can appear in figures and was a relatively large source of error in PDFFigures [5] . We develop a new set of heuristics to achieve high performance on this task across many kinds of documents. We leverage the insight that the majority of text in a document is body text, and that body text in a document will have a consistent format throughout the document. As a result, text that is formatted in an anomalous way can be assumed to be figure text. We determine the most common font and font size used in the document, the most common line width used, the most common distance between lines and distance between words, and the most common left margins. These statistics are then used in the following heuristics:

1. Graphic Overlap: Text that overlaps a graphic region is classified as figure text.

2. Vertical Text: Text that has a vertical orientation is marked as figure text.

3. Wide-Spaced Text: Text blocks with above median space between its words are marked as figure text. This heuristic is effective for detecting text in tables.

4. Line Width:

Text blocks that are several lines long and of the same width as the most commonly used line width in a document are classified as document text.

5. Small Font: Text that is smaller than the most common font size is classified as figure text.

6. Section Titles: Text that is aligned to a margin or centered, starts with a number or is capitalized, and is of a non-standard font or font size, is marked as body text. This heuristic serves to detect section titles, and forms the basis of our section title extraction method (please see Section 7).

7. Margin Alignment: Text that is aligned to a left margin is classified as body text and any remaining text is classified as figure text.

Generalizing to a wide variety of PDFs also requires a more general page header detection method. We have to handle page headers with inconsistent text, for example page headers that alternate between stating the paper's title and the authors' names, and multiline page headers. PDFFigures 2.0 scans through the first several lines of text on each page. If these lines start above any other text by a sufficiently large margin and appear at the same height on each page they are marked as body text.

4.2.3 Graphical Region Identification

PDFFigures 2.0 locates graphical regions of the document by directly parsing the PDF. Internally PDFs encode graphical elements through the use of various "operators" that draw elements on the page. Operators can be used to draw shapes and curves of different colors or render images embedded in the PDF onto the page. PDFFigures 2.0 scans the PDF and, for each such operator, records the bounding box of the element that operator would draw. To achieve this we make use of functionality introduced in PDFBox 2.0 that provides high level descriptors of the graphical elements being drawn by each operator. The bounding boxes found across the entire page are then clustered by merging nearby bounding boxes, and the resulting merged boxes are used as graphical regions. This approach is much faster than the one used in [5] since it does not require rendering the PDF to a bitmap. This is one of the primary reasons PDFFigures 2.0 is faster than PDFFigures [5] when it comes to locating figures (see Section 6.2).

5. Dataset

We evaluate our approach on two datasets of computer science papers. The first, which we call the "CS-150" dataset, consists of 150 papers from well-known computer science conferences, introduced by [ In order to test our method on a more diverse set of documents, we gather another dataset by randomly sampling papers used by Semantic Scholar [3] that have at least 9 citations and were published after the year 1999. This dataset will be referred to as the "CS-Large" dataset. We used citation and year restrictions to make this data sample more representative of the kinds of documents researchers encounter in search engines. For these sampled papers, we only annotate (and test on) half the pages selected at random, which allowed us to label twice as many papers. We only label up to 9 pages per paper to ensure longer papers do not contribute an overly large portion of the labelled figures and tables. In total, we annotate 346 papers that originate from over 200 different venues. There are 952 labelled figures and 282 labelled tables. Both datasets were annotated by having annotators mark bounding regions for each caption, figure and table using an image annotation tool. These regions were then cropped to the foreground pixels of the page they were marked on, and the cropped regions were used as ground truth labels for evaluation.

Table 1: Precision (P) and recall (R) on figure extraction.
Table 2: Precision (P) and recall (R) on table extraction.

6.1 Figure Extraction

Table 3: Mean number of seconds required to locate, or to both locate and render, the figures in a paper. Our approach is considerably faster at locating figures, but slower when required to render the extracted regions as images.
Table 4: Error analysis of our approach. Inaccuracies when extracting text was a major source of error, followed by errors in text classification.

6.2 Runtime Analytics

We measure our method's runtime performance on both datasets and compare to [5] , as shown in Table 3 . We measure the time it takes to return the location of the figures in a document, and also the time it takes to both locate the figures and save them as separate image files 2 . PDFFigures 2.0 is considerably faster at locating figure regions. However, rendering the figures using PDFBox [1] proved to be slower then rendering them using Poppler [2] , the PDF rendering engine used by [5] . In the future, we might consider using a different library to complete the rendering step in order to remove this performance gap.

6.3 Error Analysis

We perform an error analysis to assess the performance of individual steps of our approach. The analysis is listed in Table 4 . We categorize errors (both false positives and false negatives) into one of following six categories. Text extraction errors, referring to errors caused by text not being extracted correctly from the PDF. Caption detection errors, caused by failing to locate captions. Caption extraction errors, where a caption was correctly located but had incorrect text. Text classification errors, due to incorrectly classifying body text as figure text or vice versa. Figure assignment errors, caused by generating or selecting incorrect proposal regions during the figure assignment step. Or cropping errors, meaning the returned figure region was approximately correct, but had not been clipped in quite the same manner as the ground truth region. Cropping errors were often due to minor errors in the bounding boxes extracted for text or graphical elements.

Text extraction was a signfiicant source of error, some PDFs that appear correct in PDF viewers yield erroneous text when parsed programmatically. In many cases, other PDF parsing tools beside PDFBox [1] , such as Poppler [2] , also failed to parse these PDFs, implying these errors stem from how the text was encoded and would be hard to avoid. The next largest source of error was region classification, many errors caused by misclassifying text in page headers, bullet points, equations, or text inside text heavy figures.

7. Section Title Extraction

While our focus is on extracting figures, the document decomposition produced by our method and our techniques for detecting anomalous text can be valuable when extracting other important elements from documents as well. In this section, we demonstrate how our approach can be extended for extracting section titles. A particular motivation for this task is that section titles can provide additional context when interpreting figures. We have also found open source tools like ParsCit [6] and Grobid [8] to be less effective for this task on our dataset.

7.1 Proposed Approach

Our approach detects lines of text that (I): Are either all caps, or have a font different than the most common font in the document, or are larger than the average font size in the document. (II): Have a uniform font and font size. (III): Have a larger than average amount of space between itself and the line above it. (IV): Have at least one line of text below it. (V): Are centered or left aligned to a column. (VI): Start with a number or are upper case. We remove lines that appear to be part of an equation by removing lines containing many non-alphabetic characters, and we remove lines that appear to be part of a list (ex. "Theorem 1:") by removing lines that end in a number. If any of the remaining lines are consecutively ordered, we have to determine whether they are part of a single, multi-line title or if the following line(s) are a separate section title. Similar to our method of locating captions (Section 4.1), we resolve this problem using the line's justification. If the font and justification of the second line matches the first line the lines are labelled as a multi-line section title, otherwise they are labelled as separate section titles. This phase is run only after the figures and tables have been extracted, since figures and tables often have their own titles which may produce false positives.

7.2 Results

An evaluation of our section title extraction approach was completed on 65 documents, 26 sampled from CS-150 and 39 sampled from CS-Large. For comparison we use the well known PDF parsing program Grobid [8] . We experimented with using all the sections extracted by Grobid, or just the sections that began with a number. We additionally filter out section titles produced by Grobid that were of length one or contained no alphabetic characters. The output of both algorithms was compared against manually extracted section titles. Our results are shown in Table 5 .

Table 5: Precision-recall scores of Grobid and PDFFigures 2.0 for section title extraction.

8. Integrating Pdffigures 2.0 Into A Digital Library

PDFFigures 2.0 has been featured in a smart online search engine for scholarly computer science documents, Semantic Scholar (www.semanticscholar.org). Semantic Scholar uses state of the art techniques in natural language processing to add semantics to scientific literature search. Integration with a complex, distributed document processing system such as Semantic Scholar requires that our approach is both scalable and easy to integrate into existing codebases. To achieve this goal, PDFFigures 2.0 was implemented in Scala so that it can be easily integrated into JVM based distributed processing environments. We also ensure that PDFFigures 2.0 can be timed out and interrupted if it stalls when parsing a PDF. Using the Apache Spark distributed framework [16] , the extractor was run on over one million PDFs. We were able to mine figures from about 96% of these PDFs without errors. In total, 5 million figures and 1.4 million tables were extracted.

The extracted figures are used as part of the user interface of Semantic Scholar. Semantic Scholar features a summary page for each paper, which includes content such as the paper abstract, key phrases, the citations to and from the paper along with highlighted key citations. The extracted figures are shown to the user as thumbnails beneath the abstract. By clicking on an individual figure, users can view it at full scale, or flip through the other figures in the paper. Extracted captions are shown below each figure to provide further context. Figure 5 provides a snapshot of the Semantic Scholar UI. We expect the ability to preview figures in this manner to be especially helpful for mobile users. While it is normally very difficult to view figures on a mobile device, the Semantic Scholar mobile site presents users with a list of the figures in each paper that can be tapped on to be viewed in full screen.

Figure 5: User interface with the extracted figures and tables from Semantic Scholar. Figures are shown as thumbnails below the abstract (left). Users can select a figure to see the full image and its caption (right). This real world example also demonstrates PDFFigures 2.0’s ability to extract many different kinds of figures


Correlation with Citations Number of Figures 0.0332 Number of Tables 0.0634 Number of Figures and Tables 0.0535 Mean Figure Caption Length 0.0471 Mean Table Caption Length 0.0617 Mean Caption Length 0.0627 Table 6 : Spearman rank correlation between figure usage and citations normalized by year and venue. We can observe a slight correspondence between using figures and including longer captions with citations. All values have two sided p-values with p < 10 −10 .

Table 6: Spearman rank correlation between figure usage and citations normalized by year and venue. We can observe a slight correspondence between using figures and including longer captions with citations. All values have two sided p-values with p < 10−10.

9.1 Figure Usage Over Time

Figure 6: Mean number of tables and figures in papers published in different years. Papers have used more tables and figures in recent years.
Figure 7: Mean caption length in papers published in different years. Typical caption length has increased over time.

9.3 Figures By Conferences

Table 7: Conferences with the most tables in each paper. This category is dominated by natural language processing conferences.
Table 8: Conferences with the most figures in each paper. Many system conferences can be observed.

10. Conclusion

In this paper we considered the challenging problem of developing a scalable figure extraction method that is robust enough to be used across the entire range of content in a digital library. Our contributions include a set of widely applicable text classification heuristics, a clustering mechanism for detecting figure regions, and a novel section title extraction method. Evaluation on manually annotated real world documents and integration with the Semantic Scholar search engine shows the success of our approach. Extracting data from figures and making use of them in user interfaces is an exciting new line of research in digital libraries. We hope that PDFFigures 2.0 will expand upon PDFFigure's success facilitating research in these new fields. While our approach achieves very high accuracy in the computer science literature, future work includes adapting our method to be effective in additional scholarly domains. Combining our heuristic approach with machine learning based approaches is also an interesting avenue for future work.

Throughout this paper we use the term "figures" to refer to both tables and figures along with their associated captions

Experiments were run on a single thread on a Macintosh OS X 10.10 with a 2.5GHz Intel core i7 processor.